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- Chinese Energetics - Training
Course 1 - Dubai
This two-day program is designed to teach millenary knowledge and unique manual techniquescombining theories of Chinese Energetics, Osteopathy & Naturopathy.
➔ Date: 2 & 3rd of March 2024
➔ No Prerequisites: Open to all interested & interesting individuals.
➔ Audience: Individuals, osteopaths, chiropractors, practitioners of hypnotherapy, acupuncture and energy healing, seeking effective techniques for physical disorders, emotional agitations, and mental overactivity.
Our Guest, Régis Blin is an international expert in Chinese Energetics with 48 years of experience in training professionals worldwide, in China, USA, Russia, Europe and now in the Middle-East.
Régis Blin is an experienced practitioner and instructor of Chinese Energetics. He is co-founder and co-director of SFERE – French Society for Study and Research in Energetic Medicine. Régis Blin has been in clinical practice for over four decades and
instructed thousands of students
worldwide, accumulating invaluable
evidence of the remarkable efficacy
of this system of practice.

He will introduce key concepts using the 12 meridians & acupuncture points with fingers techniques:
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